*** FormsLib4PHP ***
Author: Alexander Dobrinescu
copyright (c) 2004-2006 Alexander Dobrinescu
All rights reserved.
*** Introduction ***
This library provides wide scalable functionality for building HTML forms.
*** Documentation and examples ***
A reference manual is provided with this library.
See manual/index.html for more details.
*** Files ***
Simply include (or better require) the formslib.php file in this
directory in your script. You will have to keep the following
files and directories in the same directory as formslib.php
to ensure the library will work correctly:
formslib.h.php : the library's header and configuration file
./dist/adodb/ : contains John Lims ADODB library
*** Minimum system requirements ***
Webserver with PHP version 5.1.2 or higher installed.
*** Feature Requests and Bug Reports ***
Email to ad@adwww.de