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File: small_update_access.php

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File: small_update_access.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Simple example script
Class: Formslib4PHP
Generate and validate Web forms
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 18 years ago
Size: 1,919 bytes


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Example file using Formslib4PHP
Small form with simple database update access
Requires: MySQL database

// Using the library
require( '../formslib.php' );

// Opening an ADODB connection
$conn = ADONewConnection( 'mysqli' ); // Use this for mysql, since DataBlack wants transaction emulation
$conn->Connect( 'localhost', 'root', false, 'test' );

// Defining the form and our fields
$form = new HTMLForm('myform');
$field = new HTMLFormInput( 'text', 'pers_name', 'Name:' );
$f = new HTMLFormControl( 'submitbutton', 'Update!', 'submit' );

// Creating the data block. The ADODB connection $conn must exist at this point!
// Note, that we don't need to initialize this Formslib block manually with ::init(),
// because we are going to use it in form mapping and the form object will do it for us!
$block = new DataBlock('myblock',
'SELECT id, name FROM person WHERE id=2', DATA_DB, $conn,' person', 'id');

// Let's add our defined blocks and fields to the form

// We set a very simple template for the form
$tpl = "%pers_name[LABEL]%: %pers_name[FIELD]% %submitbutton[FIELD]%
$form->set_template( $tpl );

// Here we map our field 'pers_name' to the data block recordset column 'name'.
// From now, the field 'pers_name' will automatically be filled with the value of the column 'name'
// from the table 'persons_table' on FORM_INIT and updated with the form value of this field
// on FORM_SUBMIT! Easy, what?
$form->map( 'myblock', array( 'pers_name'=>'name' ) );

// Doing the main stuff

// ...and output.
print $form->out();

// The <form>_success trigger
// Note the naming convention for formslib triggers!
function _myform_success() {
// Simply uncomment the following line if you want to display another page
    // instead of the form after submitting the data.
    // FLIB::HTML('myform')->set_template( 'Thank you for updating!' );