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  Classes of Luis Gabriel Hernandez Valderrama   PHP Billing System Reports   Download  
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Class: PHP Billing System Reports
Display and email customer billing reports
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# repovisit Send mail from visit report and billing account or invoice ============================================================== Cordial greetings to all. =================================================== =================================== Functioning: =================================================== =================================== First of all it has a login page. If the correct username and password goes to the program, otherwise it shows an error. This is a program that allows the creation of third parties, and visit reports. Starting with the consultation of the third party's nit. If created, proceed to the visit report, loading the name of the third party. Sending an email at the end of the report, with your billing account, visit report, (in doc format) and additional documents as needed. Instead of attaching the files, it generates and saves them on the server for archiving and sends the download links in the mail. Simplifying the sending of emails with attachments, and leaving us a file. It also has a third party nit query system in multiple tables, if the third party is not created in the main table that is third parties Search in the additional data bases and to find a match, use this data to self-fill the form and facilitate its creation. It also allows the query of tables in the database and shows the selected one on the screen. The models of the tables are in sql, to upload to phpmyadmin. The program has a basic security file called included in the program.php file to not allow unauthorized access. =================================================== =================================== How to use: =================================================== =================================== First of all modify the config.php files and place the data for connection to your server and database. One config is in the root and the other in root / php. The models of the databases are in sql, upload them to the database that we will use for the program, as we call it in config. And the codmundane.csv table (it is in the csv folder), has the Colombian DANE codes, upload according to your country, with the same format or model. And ready you can run the program. Users: administrator and user, password 123 =================================================== =================================== Modifications for documents: =================================================== =================================== For the bill of payment on line 86, you must replace the scr or link with your signature. In lines 73 and 74 your name and identification. Lines 59 60 and 61, your name, identification and regime. And on line 53 the logo. Lines 81 to 89 data and link of your company. For Repo Visit replace: Line 36 logo image, line 68 signature image and 70 to 81 data of the company or person that invoices. These documents are generated by the files in the php folder: ReportedeVisita.php and CtaCobro.php Where you have to make the aforementioned modifications. =================================================== =================================== About the operation of the program =================================================== =================================== In the php folder the file funcvarprog.php, contains variables and functions used to throughout the program Starting with the functions that load the menu and the script of the buttons, which allows through post variables received by program.php if any, the modification of the menu and its presentation in addition to the modification of the visible layer according to need. The am.php (action manager) file allows invoking actions through post variables Like the file send.php, it receives post variables and proceeds according to received data. The CProg class is used in am.php to process the actions. And the CObjdb class is used in CProg to interact with databases. The send file uses funcvarprog.php functions just like the CObjdb class in addition to CtaCobro.php and ReportedeVisita.php, for the generation of documents And your shipment. Also allowing to validate the data before proceeding, and not pass the validation shows data with error and return button, with the form with the data that were already full. =================================================== =================================== I hope that data is enough, but then I will give more details about its operation =================================================== ===================================