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File: apl-csv-handler/

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File: apl-csv-handler/
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/markdown
Description: Documentation
Class: APL Test
Process large CSV files using Laravel queues
Author: By
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Date: 6 months ago
Size: 3,459 bytes


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APL nextED aptitude test

The Goal

Create a small sample application using common APL tools & languages. The application will need to import a large CSV file (100k records) into a queue, where a background worker will process each individual record.


  • Use a public Git repository
  • Set up a Homestead & VirtualBox VM environment for the application
  • Use the native Laravel framework as much as possible (Models, Routes, Config, Storage, DB)
  • Use Laravel Queue (your choice of queue)
  • Use MySQL as the destination database - Create a DB migration to setup a Users table - Use the native Laravel timestamps - Use the SoftDelete feature
  • Write a script to create a CSV file with 100k records containing a list of users - Names, emails, passwords and phone numbers (can be fully randomized) - Include a ?deleted? column, with a few records having a value set
  • Create a CSV file importer, that will accept the generated CSV file and insert the records into the Queue
  • Create a Console Command that processes the records in the queue, and update the database with the data.
  • Setup PHP Unit / Functional Tests on the importer and queue worker.


  • _Homestead_, _Valet_ or any other local setup.
  • Laravel 8.x

Local setup

  • Clone this repository
  • Download and install `Homestead` and `VirtualBox`
  • Install the dependencies from the project folder
composer install

  • Generate the Homestead configuration file by running the
php vendor/bin/homestead make

or by copying the attached _Homestead.yaml_ file to your project directory and run

vagrant up

  • In order to connect to your virtual machine, run:
vagrant ssh
  • Go to your project folder listed in the Homestead.yaml file and create the `.env` file, than update the database connection data
copy .env.example .env

  • Run the migration
php artisan migrate

  • Add the Jobs table:
php artisan queue:table

Application Usage

Generate users to file

This application can generate users in csv, json format.

To generate a list of users, use the following command:

php artisan generate:users {format} {count=10} {filename=users}

This command will generate a users.csv file containing 100000 users to the default storage directory.

Currently there are two formats supported: json and csv. For more info, see the app/Extension/HandleItemsList and app/Extension/HandleItemsList folders for more info about further format implementations.


This will generate a users.csv file with 100000 user data

php artisan generate:users csv 100000

This command will generate a users.json file with 100000 users data.

php artisan generate:users json 100000

Load file into users table

Start the workers:

php artisan queue:work --queue=users

To load a file into the users table, run the below command

php artisan load:users {format=csv} {filename=users}


This will load the users.csv file into the users table

php artisan load:users csv users

This will load the users.json file into the users table

php artisan generate:users json 100000

Testing the app

In order to properly run tests, the .env.testing file has to be completed. After the above is completed, run:

php artisan test


Andras Zoltan Gyarfas - Zoli