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<?php namespace RedUNIT\Base; use RedUNIT\Base as Base; use RedBeanPHP\Facade as R; /** * With * * With/WithCondition can be used to fetch bean lists with additional * requirements, filters or ordering specification using SQL snippets. * This suite tests the handling of with() and withCondition() snippets. * Additionally this test suite also tests noLoad() and all() modifiers. * * @file RedUNIT/Base/With.php * @desc Tests query modification of own-lists with prefix-with * @author Gabor de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community * @license New BSD/GPLv2 * * (c) G.J.G.T. (Gabor) de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community. * This source file is subject to the New BSD/GPLv2 License that is bundled * with this source code in the file license.txt. */ class With extends Base { /** * This test suite uses specific SQL, only suited for MySQL. * * @return array */ public function getTargetDrivers() { return array( 'mysql' ); } /** * Tests no-load modifier for lists. * * @return void */ public function testNoLoad() { $book = R::dispense( array( '_type' => 'book', 'title' => 'Book of Lorem Ipsum', 'ownPage' => array( array( '_type' => 'page', 'content' => 'Lorem Ipsum', ) ), 'sharedTag' => array( array( '_type' => 'tag', 'label' => 'testing' ) ) ) ); R::store( $book ); $book = $book->fresh(); asrt( R::count( 'book' ), 1 ); asrt( count( $book->ownPage ), 1 ); //now try with no-load $book = $book->fresh(); asrt( count( $book->noLoad()->ownPage ), 0 ); asrt( count( $book->noLoad()->sharedTag ), 0 ); //now try to add with no-load $book = $book->fresh(); $book->noLoad()->xownPageList[] = R::dispense( 'page' ); $book->noLoad()->sharedTagList[] = R::dispense( 'tag' ); R::store( $book ); $book = $book->fresh(); asrt( count( $book->ownPage ), 2 ); asrt( count( $book->sharedTagList ), 2 ); //no-load overrides with and withCondition $book = $book->fresh(); asrt( count( $book->with(' invalid sql ')->noLoad()->ownPage ), 0 ); asrt( count( $book->withCondition(' invalid sql ')->noLoad()->sharedTag ), 0 ); //no-load overrides all and alias $book = $book->fresh(); asrt( count( $book->all()->noLoad()->ownPage ), 0 ); asrt( count( $book->alias('nothing')->noLoad()->sharedTag ), 0 ); //no-load gets cleared $book = $book->fresh(); asrt( count( $book->ownPage ), 2 ); asrt( count( $book->sharedTagList ), 2 ); //We cant clear with no-load accidentally? $book = $book->fresh(); $book->noLoad()->ownPage = array(); $book->noLoad()->sharedTagList = array(); R::store( $book ); asrt( count( $book->ownPage ), 2 ); asrt( count( $book->sharedTagList ), 2 ); //No-load does not have effect if list is already cached $book = $book->fresh(); $book->ownPage; $book->sharedTag; asrt( count( $book->ownPage ), 2 ); asrt( count( $book->sharedTagList ), 2 ); } /** * Test all(). * * @return void */ public function testAll() { $book = R::dispense( 'book' ); $book->ownPage = R::dispense( 'page', 10 ); R::store( $book ); asrt( count( $book->with( ' LIMIT 3 ' )->ownPage ), 3 ); asrt( count( $book->ownPage ), 3 ); asrt( count( $book->all()->ownPage ), 10 ); asrt( count( $book->ownPage ), 10 ); R::nuke(); asrt( count( $book->ownPage ), 10 ); asrt( count( $book->all()->ownPage ), 0 ); } /** * Test embedded SQL snippets using with and withCondition. * * @return void */ public function testEmbeddedSQL() { list( $page1, $page2, $page3 ) = R::dispense( 'page', 3 ); list( $ad1, $ad2, $ad3 ) = R::dispense( 'ad', 3 ); $ad2->name = 'shampoo'; $page3->name = 'homepage'; $page1->sharedAd = array( $ad1, $ad3 ); $page2->sharedAd = array( $ad2, $ad3 ); $page3->sharedAd = array( $ad3, $ad2, $ad1 ); R::storeAll( array( $page1, $page2, $page3 ) ); $page1 = R::load( 'page', $page1->id ); asrt( 1, count( $page1->with( ' LIMIT 1 ' )->sharedAd ) ); $page2 = R::load( 'page', $page2->id ); $adsOnPage2 = $page2->withCondition( ' `name` = ? ', array( 'shampoo' ) )->sharedAd; asrt( 1, count( $adsOnPage2 ) ); $ad = reset( $adsOnPage2 ); asrt( $ad->name, 'shampoo' ); $ad = R::load( 'ad', $ad->id ); asrt( count( $ad->sharedPage ), 2 ); $ad = R::load( 'ad', $ad->id ); $homepage = reset( $ad->withCondition( ' `name` LIKE ? AND > 0 ORDER BY id DESC ', array( '%ome%' ) )->sharedPage ); asrt( $homepage->name, 'homepage' ); } /** * More variations... * * @return void */ public function testEmbeddedSQLPart2() { list( $book1, $book2, $book3 ) = R::dispense( 'book', 3 ); $book1->position = 1; $book2->position = 2; $book3->position = 3; $shelf = R::dispense( 'shelf' ); $shelf->ownBook = array( $book1, $book2, $book3 ); $id = R::store( $shelf ); $shelf = R::load( 'shelf', $id ); $books = $shelf->with( ' ORDER BY position ASC ' )->ownBook; $book1 = array_shift( $books ); asrt( (int) $book1->position, 1 ); $book2 = array_shift( $books ); asrt( (int) $book2->position, 2 ); $book3 = array_shift( $books ); asrt( (int) $book3->position, 3 ); $books = $shelf->with( ' ORDER BY position DESC ' )->ownBook; $book1 = array_shift( $books ); asrt( (int) $book1->position, 3 ); $book2 = array_shift( $books ); asrt( (int) $book2->position, 2 ); $book3 = array_shift( $books ); asrt( (int) $book3->position, 1 ); $shelf = R::load( 'shelf', $id ); $books = $shelf->with( ' AND position > 2 ' )->ownBook; asrt( count( $books ), 1 ); $shelf = R::load( 'shelf', $id ); $books = $shelf->with( ' AND position < ? ', array( 3 ) )->ownBook; asrt( count( $books ), 2 ); $shelf = R::load( 'shelf', $id ); $books = $shelf->with( ' AND position = 1 ' )->ownBook; asrt( count( $books ), 1 ); $shelf = R::load( 'shelf', $id ); $books = $shelf->withCondition( ' position > -1 ' )->ownBook; asrt( count( $books ), 3 ); // With-condition should not affect storing $shelf = R::load( 'shelf', $id ); $books = $shelf->with( ' AND position = 1 ' )->ownBook; asrt( count( $books ), 1 ); asrt( count( $shelf->ownBook ), 1 ); $book = reset( $shelf->ownBook ); $book->title = 'Trees and other Poems'; R::store( $shelf ); $books = $shelf->withCondition( ' position > -1 ' )->ownBook; asrt( count( $books ), 3 ); asrt( count( $shelf->ownBook ), 3 ); $shelf = R::load( 'shelf', $id ); $books = $shelf->with( ' AND position = 1 ' )->ownBook; // Also with trashing -- just trash one! $shelf->ownBook = array(); R::store( $shelf ); $books = $shelf->withCondition( ' position > -1 ' )->ownBook; asrt( count( $books ), 2 ); // With should cause a reload of a list $shelf = R::load( 'shelf', $id ); $books = $shelf->with( ' AND position = 2 ' )->ownBook; asrt( count( $books ), 1 ); $books = $shelf->withCondition( ' position > -1 ' )->ownBook; asrt( count( $books ), 2 ); $book = reset( $books ); $book->title = 'Venetian Music'; // Should not affect storage (fact that we used with twice, unsetting prop) R::store( $shelf ); $shelf = R::load( 'shelf', $id ); asrt( count( $shelf->ownBook ), 2 ); // Alias list( $game1, $game2, $game3 ) = R::dispense( 'game', 3 ); list( $t1, $t2, $t3 ) = R::dispense( 'team', 3 ); $t1->name = 'Bats'; $t2->name = 'Tigers'; $t3->name = 'Eagles'; $game1->name = 'a'; $game1->team1 = $t1; $game1->team2 = $t2; $game2->name = 'b'; $game2->team1 = $t1; $game2->team2 = $t3; $game3->name = 'c'; $game3->team1 = $t2; $game3->team2 = $t3; R::storeAll( array( $game1, $game2, $game3 ) ); $team1 = R::load( 'team', $t1->id ); $team2 = R::load( 'team', $t2->id ); $team3 = R::load( 'team', $t3->id ); asrt( count( $team1->alias( 'team1' )->ownGame ), 2 ); asrt( count( $team2->alias( 'team1' )->ownGame ), 1 ); $team1 = R::load( 'team', $t1->id ); $team2 = R::load( 'team', $t2->id ); asrt( count( $team1->alias( 'team2' )->ownGame ), 0 ); asrt( count( $team2->alias( 'team2' )->ownGame ), 1 ); asrt( count( $team3->alias( 'team1' )->ownGame ), 0 ); $team3 = R::load( 'team', $t3->id ); asrt( count( $team3->alias( 'team2' )->ownGame ), 2 ); $team1 = R::load( 'team', $t1->id ); $games = $team1->alias( 'team1' )->ownGame; $game4 = R::dispense( 'game' ); $game4->name = 'd'; $game4->team2 = $t3; $team1->alias( 'team1' )->ownGame[] = $game4; R::store( $team1 ); $team1 = R::load( 'team', $t1->id ); asrt( count( $team1->alias( 'team1' )->ownGame ), 3 ); foreach ( $team1->ownGame as $g ) { if ( $g->name == 'a' ) $game = $g; } $game->name = 'match'; R::store( $team1 ); $team1 = R::load( 'team', $t1->id ); asrt( count( $team1->alias( 'team1' )->ownGame ), 3 ); $found = 0; foreach ( $team1->ownGame as $g ) { if ( $g->name == 'match' ) $found = 1; } if ( $found ) pass(); $team1->ownGame = array(); R::store( $team1 ); $team1 = R::load( 'team', $t1->id ); asrt( count( $team1->alias( 'team1' )->ownGame ), 0 ); $team1->ownBook[] = $book1; R::store( $team1 ); $team1 = R::load( 'team', $t1->id ); asrt( count( $team1->alias( 'team1' )->ownGame ), 0 ); asrt( count( $team1->ownBook ), 1 ); } /** * Test when to reload and when to NOT reload beans. * Use UNSET to reload a parent bean. Use UNSET or * a modifier (with, withCondition, all) to reload a list. * Use noLoad() to obtain an empty list - does not reload * but sets an empty array. * * @return void */ public function testWhenToReload() { $book = R::dispense( 'book' ); $book->ownPage = R::dispense( 'page', 3 ); $book->author = R::dispense( 'author' ); $book->coauthor = R::dispense( 'author' ); R::store( $book ); $book = $book->fresh(); $firstPage = reset( $book->ownPage ); $id = $firstPage->id; $book->ownPage[ $id ]->title = 'a'; //Do not reload an own list after manipulations asrt( $book->ownPage[ $id ]->title, 'a' ); //dont reload! $book->ownPage[] = R::dispense( 'page' ); //dont reload! asrt( $book->ownPage[ $id ]->title, 'a' ); //dont reload! asrt( $book->ownPageList[ $id ]->title, 'a' ); //dont reload! asrt( $book->xownPageList[ $id ]->title, 'a' ); //dont reload! asrt( $book->xownPage[ $id ]->title, 'a' ); //dont reload! asrt( count( $book->ownPageList ), 4 ); //now trigger reload unset( $book->ownPageList ); asrt( count( $book->ownPageList ), 3 ); $book->ownPage[] = R::dispense( 'page' ); asrt( count( $book->ownPageList ), 4 ); //now trigger reload unset( $book->xownPageList ); asrt( count( $book->ownPageList ), 3 ); $book->ownPage[] = R::dispense( 'page' ); asrt( count( $book->ownPageList ), 4 ); //now trigger reload unset( $book->xownPage ); asrt( count( $book->ownPageList ), 3 ); $book->ownPage[] = R::dispense( 'page' ); asrt( count( $book->ownPageList ), 4 ); //now trigger reload unset( $book->ownPage ); asrt( count( $book->ownPageList ), 3 ); $book->ownPage[] = R::dispense( 'page' ); asrt( count( $book->ownPageList ), 4 ); //now trigger reload $book->all()->ownPage; asrt( count( $book->ownPageList ), 3 ); $book->ownPage[] = R::dispense( 'page' ); asrt( count( $book->ownPageList ), 4 ); //now trigger reload $book->all()->xownPage; asrt( count( $book->ownPageList ), 3 ); $book->ownPage[] = R::dispense( 'page' ); asrt( count( $book->ownPageList ), 4 ); //now trigger reload $book->all()->ownPageList; asrt( count( $book->ownPageList ), 3 ); $book->ownPage[] = R::dispense( 'page' ); asrt( count( $book->ownPageList ), 4 ); //now trigger reload $book->all()->xownPageList; asrt( count( $book->ownPageList ), 3 ); $book->ownPage[] = R::dispense( 'page' ); asrt( count( $book->ownPageList ), 4 ); //Do not reload an own list if told to not reload using noLoad() $book->noLoad()->with(' LIMIT 1 ')->ownPage; //dont reload! asrt( count( $book->xownPage ), 0); //dont reload! $book->noLoad()->all()->ownPage; //dont reload! asrt( count( $book->xownPage ), 0); //dont reload! $book->noLoad()->alias('magazine')->ownPage; //dont reload! asrt( count( $book->xownPage ), 0); //dont reload! $book->noLoad()->withCondition('')->ownPage; //dont reload! asrt( count( $book->xownPage ), 0); //dont reload! //even if modifiers proceed noLoad() $book->with(' LIMIT 1 ')->noLoad()->ownPage; //dont reload! asrt( count( $book->xownPage ), 0); //dont reload! $book->all()->noLoad()->ownPage; //dont reload! asrt( count( $book->xownPage ), 0); //dont reload! $book->alias('magazine')->noLoad()->ownPage; //dont reload! asrt( count( $book->xownPage ), 0); //dont reload! $book->withCondition('')->noLoad()->ownPage; //dont reload! asrt( count( $book->xownPage ), 0); //dont reload! //even in combinations $book->all()->with(' LIMIT 1 ')->noLoad()->ownPage; //dont reload! asrt( count( $book->xownPage ), 0); //dont reload! $book->alias('magazine')->all()->noLoad()->ownPage; //dont reload! asrt( count( $book->xownPage ), 0); //dont reload! $book->alias('magazine')->with('LIMIT 1')->noLoad()->ownPage; //dont reload! asrt( count( $book->xownPage ), 0); //dont reload! $book->alias('magazine')->withCondition('')->noLoad()->ownPage; //dont reload! asrt( count( $book->xownPage ), 0); //dont reload! //now test shared list $book->sharedTag = R::dispense( 'tag', 16 ); asrt( count( $book->sharedTag ), 16 ); $book->sharedTag[] = R::dispense( 'tag' ); asrt( count( $book->sharedTag ), 17 ); //dont reload after adding $last = end( $book->sharedTagList ); $id = $last->id; $book->sharedTag[ $id ]->title = 'b'; asrt( count( $book->sharedTag ), 17 ); //dont reload after manipulation unset( $book->sharedTagList[ $id ] ); asrt( count( $book->sharedTag ), 16 ); //dont reload after manipulation //now trigger reload unset( $book->sharedTagList ); asrt( count( $book->sharedTag ), 0 ); $book->sharedTag = R::dispense( 'tag', 16 ); asrt( count( $book->sharedTag ), 16 ); //now trigger reload unset( $book->sharedTag ); asrt( count( $book->sharedTag ), 0 ); $book->sharedTag = R::dispense( 'tag', 16 ); asrt( count( $book->sharedTag ), 16 ); //now trigger reload $book->all()->sharedTag; asrt( count( $book->sharedTag ), 0 ); $book->sharedTag = R::dispense( 'tag', 16 ); asrt( count( $book->sharedTag ), 16 ); //now trigger reload $book->all()->sharedTagList; asrt( count( $book->sharedTag ), 0 ); $book->sharedTag = R::dispense( 'tag', 16 ); asrt( count( $book->sharedTag ), 16 ); //Do not reload a sharedTag list if told to not reload using noLoad() $book->noLoad()->with(' LIMIT 1 ')->sharedTag; //dont reload! asrt( count( $book->sharedTag ), 0); //dont reload! $book->noLoad()->all()->sharedTag; //dont reload! asrt( count( $book->sharedTag ), 0); //dont reload! $book->noLoad()->alias('magazine')->sharedTag; //dont reload! asrt( count( $book->sharedTag ), 0); //dont reload! $book->noLoad()->withCondition('')->sharedTag; //dont reload! asrt( count( $book->sharedTag ), 0); //dont reload! //even if modifiers proceed noLoad() $book->with(' LIMIT 1 ')->noLoad()->sharedTag; //dont reload! asrt( count( $book->sharedTag ), 0); //dont reload! $book->all()->noLoad()->sharedTag; //dont reload! asrt( count( $book->sharedTag ), 0); //dont reload! $book->alias('magazine')->noLoad()->sharedTag; //dont reload! asrt( count( $book->sharedTag ), 0); //dont reload! $book->withCondition('')->noLoad()->ownPage; //dont reload! asrt( count( $book->sharedTag ), 0); //dont reload! //even in combinations $book->all()->with(' LIMIT 1 ')->noLoad()->sharedTag; //dont reload! asrt( count( $book->sharedTag ), 0); //dont reload! $book->alias('magazine')->all()->noLoad()->sharedTag; //dont reload! asrt( count( $book->sharedTag ), 0); //dont reload! $book->alias('magazine')->with('LIMIT 1')->noLoad()->sharedTag; //dont reload! asrt( count( $book->sharedTag ), 0); //dont reload! $book->alias('magazine')->withCondition('')->noLoad()->sharedTag; //dont reload! asrt( count( $book->sharedTag ), 0); //dont reload! //test do not reload parent bean $book->author->name = 'me'; asrt( $book->author->name, 'me' ); $book->fetchAs('author')->coauthor; asrt( $book->author->name, 'me' ); $book->fetchAs('author')->author; asrt( $book->author->name, 'me' ); $book->with(' LIMIT 1 ')->author; asrt( $book->author->name, 'me' ); $book->withCondition('')->author; asrt( $book->author->name, 'me' ); $book->all()->author; asrt( $book->author->name, 'me' ); $book->noLoad()->author; asrt( $book->author->name, 'me' ); $book->noLoad()->all()->author; asrt( $book->author->name, 'me' ); $book->with('LIMIT 1')->noLoad()->all()->author; asrt( $book->author->name, 'me' ); //now trigger reload unset( $book->author ); asrt( $book->author->name, NULL ); $book->author->name = 'me'; asrt( $book->author->name, 'me' ); } /** * Tests whether modifiers are cleared after reading or * writing a bean property. * * @return void */ public function testClearanceOfModFlags() { //test base condition, retrieving list or parent should not set flags $book = R::dispense( 'book' ); asrt( $book->getModFlags(), '' ); $book->ownPage = R::dispense( 'page', 2 ); asrt( $book->getModFlags(), '' ); $book->xownPage = R::dispense( 'page', 2 ); asrt( $book->getModFlags(), '' ); $book->ownPageList = R::dispense( 'page', 2 ); asrt( $book->getModFlags(), '' ); $book->xownPageList = R::dispense( 'page', 2 ); asrt( $book->getModFlags(), '' ); $book->ownPage[] = R::dispense( 'page', 1 ); asrt( $book->getModFlags(), '' ); $book->xownPage[] = R::dispense( 'page', 1 ); asrt( $book->getModFlags(), '' ); $book->ownPageList[] = R::dispense( 'page', 1 ); asrt( $book->getModFlags(), '' ); $book->xownPageList[] = R::dispense( 'page', 1 ); asrt( $book->getModFlags(), '' ); $book->sharedPage = R::dispense( 'page', 2 ); asrt( $book->getModFlags(), '' ); $book->sharedPageList = R::dispense( 'page', 2 ); asrt( $book->getModFlags(), '' ); $book->sharedPage[] = R::dispense( 'page', 1 ); asrt( $book->getModFlags(), '' ); $book->sharedPageList[] = R::dispense( 'page', 1 ); asrt( $book->getModFlags(), '' ); $book->author = R::dispense( 'author' ); asrt( $book->getModFlags(), '' ); $book->title = 'title'; //Test whether appropriate flags are set and whether they are cleared after //accessing a property. $modifiers = array('with'=>'w', 'withCondition'=>'w', 'alias'=>'a', 'fetchAs'=>'f', 'all'=>'r', 'noLoad'=>'n'); $properties = array('ownPage', 'ownPageList', 'xownPage', 'xownPageList', 'sharedPage', 'sharedPageList', 'author', 'title'); foreach( $modifiers as $modifier => $flag ) { foreach( $properties as $property ) { $book = R::dispense( 'book' ); $book->$modifier('something'); $flags = $book->getModFlags(); $expect = $flag; asrt( $flags, $expect ); $book->$property; $flags = $book->getModFlags(); asrt( $flags, '' ); } } //now test combinations and also test whether we can //clear modifiers manually using the clearModifiers() method. foreach( $modifiers as $modifier => $flag ) { foreach( $modifiers as $modifier2 => $flag2 ) { foreach( $properties as $property ) { $book = R::dispense( 'book' ); $book->$modifier( 'something' )->$modifier2( 'something' ); $flags = $book->getModFlags(); $expect = array($flag, $flag2); $expect = array_unique( $expect ); sort( $expect ); $expect = implode( '', $expect ); asrt( $flags, $expect ); $book->$modifier( 'something' )->$modifier2( 'something' )->clearModifiers(); $flags = $book->getModFlags(); asrt( $flags, '' ); $book->$modifier( 'something' )->$modifier2( 'something' )->clearModifiers(); $book->$property; $flags = $book->getModFlags(); asrt( $flags, '' ); } } } $book = R::dispense( 'book' ); $book->ownPage = R::dispense( 'page', 2 ); $book->sharedPage = R::dispense( 'page', 2 ); R::store( $book ); $book = R::dispense( 'book' ); $book->alias('magazine')->ownPage = R::dispense( 'page', 2 ); R::store( $book ); //test modifier with countOwn and countShared methods foreach( $modifiers as $modifier => $flag ) { $book = R::dispense( 'book' ); if ($modifier === 'withCondition') $book->$modifier( ' 1 ' ); elseif ($modifier === 'with') $book->$modifier( ' LIMIT 1 ' ); elseif ($modifier === 'alias') $book->$modifier('magazine'); else $book->$modifier('something'); $flags = $book->getModFlags(); $expect = $flag; asrt( $flags, $expect ); $book->countOwn('page'); $flags = $book->getModFlags(); asrt( $flags, '' ); if ($modifier === 'withCondition') $book->$modifier( ' 1 ' ); elseif ($modifier === 'with') $book->$modifier( ' LIMIT 1 ' ); elseif ($modifier === 'alias') $book->$modifier('magazine'); else $book->$modifier('something'); $flags = $book->getModFlags(); $expect = $flag; asrt( $flags, $expect ); $book->countShared('page'); $flags = $book->getModFlags(); asrt( $flags, '' ); if ($modifier === 'withCondition') $book->$modifier( ' 1 ' ); elseif ($modifier === 'with') $book->$modifier( ' LIMIT 1 ' ); elseif ($modifier === 'alias') $book->$modifier('magazine'); else $book->$modifier('something'); $flags = $book->getModFlags(); $expect = $flag; asrt( $flags, $expect ); unset( $book->author ); $flags = $book->getModFlags(); asrt( $flags, '' ); } } }