Php ICalenderX version 3.4
By Imthiaz Rafiq(
LICENSE : LGPL (License.txt)
Last Updated : 27-Sep-2003
Contibutors List
1. Mr.Matthew Waygood (
2. Mr.Dirk Olten (
3. Mr.Hans Bezemer (
4. Mr.Andrei Verovski (aka MacGuru)(
5. Mr.Mariano Iglesias (mariano@cricava.acom)
6. Mr.Tjagi (
!Any Ideas You Feel About The Same Please Write To Me. I Will Make It!
Version 3.4
* Added hour differnce to calendar. Helps to select today date correctly.
Version 3.3
* Added new feature to show the week
(Idea given by Mr. Andrei Verovski(aka MacGuru)(
He added a new stylesheet called warm. Thank you sir.
* Added function get_week_no for week support!!
Version 3.2
* This class was supported by Mr.Dirk Olten (
He added language compactabilty.
* Mr.Hans Bezemer ( added Dutch translation.
* Mr.Mariano Iglesias ( added Espaniol translation
and improvement in example.php
* Mr.Tjagi ( added Polish translation.
Version 3.1
* This class was supported by Mr.Matthew Waygood (
He added to show todays date in PhpICalenderX
* The Version File was fully updated..
* Minor Correction to template and all the other files.
Version 3.0
* The whole stuff was converted into class.
* Some minor date function issue where corrected.
Version 2.0
* Design Logic and Program Logic was seperated (skining feature)
* The whole date generation function was redone... and these function were added
Version 1.0
* The idea for creating a calendar activeX started.
* The whole stuff was writen as a function.